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Understanding Hidden Disabilities When Assisting Passengers

What are Hidden Disabilities?

Hidden disabilities are conditions not immediately apparent:

  • Examples: Chronic pain, chronic fatigue, mental health issues, dizziness, cognitive dysfunctions.
  • Varied Conditions: Includes sight or hearing problems, ME, fibromyalgia, PTSD, anxiety, depression.
  • Impact: Limitations in movement, painful movements, sensory limitations, and balance issues.

Challenges Faced by Individuals

Individuals with hidden disabilities often face:

  • Misjudgment: Due to the lack of visible aids like wheelchairs or walking devices.
  • Misunderstanding: Their condition may not be immediately apparent, leading to misconceptions.

Guidelines for Assisting Passengers

Key principles to ensure respectful assistance:

  • Respectful Interaction: Always treat passengers with respect and dignity.
  • Introduction: Introduce yourself and offer assistance, regardless of visible disabilities.
  • Ask for Needs: Always ask if there's anything you can do to help, respecting individual needs.