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Safely Handling Passenger Belongings

Importance of Handling Passenger Belongings

When assisting passengers, it's important to handle their belongings with care:

  • Types of Belongings: Passengers may have medicines, medical equipment, or personal items.
  • Security: Ensure belongings are kept safe and secure during transport.

Ensuring Passenger Comfort and Security

Addressing passenger concerns about their belongings:

  • Communication: Inform passengers where their belongings will be placed to reassure them.
  • Stress Management: Help alleviate stress by ensuring passengers know the location of their belongings.

Handling Passenger Bags

Guidelines for handling passenger bags with care:

  • Respectful Assistance: Always ask before handling their bag and inquire where they would like it placed.
  • Visibility: If belongings are stored out of sight, inform passengers of their location to prevent anxiety.

Supporting Passengers with Disabilities

Understanding specific concerns of passengers with disabilities:

  • Independence: Many passengers prefer shoulder bags to keep their belongings close and hands free.