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Negotiating Curbs Safely with Wheelchairs

Avoiding Curbs Whenever Possible

Follow these guidelines to avoid negotiating curbs:

  • Use Dropped Curbs or Ramps: Whenever feasible, use dropped curbs or ramps instead of negotiating curbs.

Going Down a Curb

If you must go down a curb with an occupied wheelchair:

  • Backward Descent: It's safer to go down the curb backwards to reduce strength required and ensure a smoother ride.
  • Procedure: Ensure the wheelchair user is informed, clear the road, align the wheelchair perpendicular to the curb, and gently roll the rear wheels down while balancing with the tipping lever.
  • Transition: Carefully lower the front wheels to the road surface once the rear wheels are balanced.

Going Up a Curb

If you need to push an occupied wheelchair up a curb:

  • Forward Ascent: Going up forwards is safer and smoother for the wheelchair occupant.
  • Steps: Communicate with the passenger, approach the curb, use the tipping lever to balance on rear wheels, and carefully lift the rear wheels onto the pavement.